Senior Protection
Investigations on behalf of Elderly: Investigations are conducted for reports of :
1. Abuse;
2. Neglect;
3. Challenges of family relationships;
4. Decline in physical functioning;
5. Decline in cognitive and mental functioning, and
6. Community concerns regarding the
Wellbeing of older people.
- Every situation of the older person must be assessed individually.
- The older person has the right to the lifestyle of their choice.
- People must not infringe on the rights and safety of others.
- The older person has the right to protection.
- The older person has the right to information.
- The older person has the right to the least restrictive intervention.
- Intervention should maximize the older person’s options.
- Intervention should include voluntary and informed consent.
- Intervention should be based on a quality relationship.
- Intervention should be non-accusatory
- Intervention should include a coordinate team response.
- Intervention should balance ethical and professional values.
For more information, or to report abuse or neglect please contact (242) 604-4200/1