Housing Assistance

Housing assistance provides support to persons who have encountered hardship and are behind on their rent or require temporary placement into a motel or shelter.
There are four (4) types of housing assistance:
- Rental Disaster: Assistance for persons impacted by a nationally declared or locally declared disaster to help with rent in arrears for private accommodations or assist in securing a new rental unit. Persons impacted by the Covid -19 pandemic qualify to apply for this assistance programme.
- Rental: Assistance to qualified individuals or households who are behind on their rent for private accommodations or assist in securing a new rental unit.
- Shelter: Assistance for persons requiring temporary shelter placement into a Government approved shelter as a result of a nationally or locally declared disaster such a hurricane
- Motel: Assistance to qualified individuals or households who have encountered hardship and require temporary placement into a motel. This programme is designed to provide temporary, short term stays while applicants and their Case Worker come up with a plan to stabilize the applicants housing situation and increase levels of self-sufficiency.
Applicant can ONLY be assessed for Rent Assistance once in a twelve (12) month period.
The maximum amount granted in a twelve (12) month period is $1,200.
- Valid Passport of Head of Household
- Valid N.I.B. Card of Head of Household and all household members
- Birth Certificate/ Affidavit, and Valid Passport of child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, and Proof of Guardianship.
- Marriage certificate and similar documents of identification for spouse, as indicated above.
- Divorce decree or legal separation documents to verify status.
- Doctor’s letter, if unable to work due to ill health.
- Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter.
- An up-to-date and typed RENT LETTER from the applicant’s Landlord addressed to the Department of Social Services with the Landlord’s full name, street address, email address, post office box number, telephone contacts (landline and cell phone), name of tenant, the detailed description of the location of the rental unit, the weekly or monthly rental fees, the total amount of rent in arrears and include landlord’s signature. For a new rental the letter must include the move-in fee.
- The RENT LETTER from the Landlord MUST be submitted along with a copy of his/her National Insurance Card, Passport or Voters Card. (The Landlord’s Passport –data pages and the Landlord’s NIB Card – copy the front and back).
Register now via the online portal to apply.